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Global Covid 19 Cases On The Rise

Global COVID-19 Cases on the Rise

WHO Dashboard Provides Weekly Updates on Spread of Virus

Counts Reflect Laboratory-Confirmed Cases

The World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Dashboard, updated every Friday, provides insights into the spread of the virus over a two-week period. The counts primarily reflect laboratory-confirmed cases, offering a detailed overview of the global situation.

The dashboard offers a comprehensive look at the number of cases and deaths reported in various countries and territories. It also provides information on the incidence rate, mortality rate, and testing rate, allowing for comparisons and analysis of the pandemic's impact.

By providing timely and accurate data, the WHO COVID-19 Dashboard serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the general public. It aids in understanding the trends and patterns of the virus, informing decision-making, and implementing effective control measures to combat its spread.
